The Cab Chat 250th Show

The Cab Chat 250th Show

Cab Chat has reached the momentous acheivment of 250 Cab Chat Shows and creeping towards 500,000 downloads. And that is without the Cab Chat Interviews and all of the special shows that the team have done. To show their...

Uber London License Extended again!

Uber London License Extended again!

Uber has won permission to operate in London for a further 2 1/2 years after allegedly meeting requirements on drivers’ rights. Transport for London said on Saturday that Uber will continue to operate in the city under a private hire vehicle operator’s licence. The...

Rosh’s Abseil for Different Strokes – 10th Sept 22

Rosh’s Abseil for Different Strokes – 10th Sept 22

Roshan Varma is to do undertake an Abseil down the "twirly thingy" as he puts it, at the Olymic Park later this year on 10th September 2022. Rosh suffered a stroke last year and was in a comma a few weeks ago, Rosh is making good progress on his road to recovery and...

The Cab Chat 250th Show

The Cab Chat Show is Back

Cab Chat returns with the Original Duo Hosting The Show After a break of 9 months the Cab Chat Show has returned with the original hosts @SuperCabby & @MacTheCab hosting the show. Jamie AKA SuperCabby said "I couldn't find the words to host the show through the...

Courtney Connell’s Explosive Interview on LCDC TV

Courtney Connell’s Explosive Interview on LCDC TV

Exposing TfL Failings - The Inside Story Courtney Connell talks to Grant Davis on LCDC TV Part 1 Courtney gained is London Taxi Drivers Green Badge on 4th October 1994 after spending 3 years and 2 months undertaking the famous Knowledge of London. In October 2001...

UTAG to go head to head with TFL again over Bishopsgate Bus Gate

UTAG to go head to head with TFL again over Bishopsgate Bus Gate

Transport for London's appeal against the High Court Judgement won by UTAG which described the Capital's streetspace scheme as being "Unlawful" will commence on 15th June 2021. The appeal relates to the High Court Judgement of 21st January 2021 ruling that the Mayor...

Disney Trip Cancelled for 2021

Disney Trip Cancelled for 2021

The Worshipful Company for Hackney Carriage drivers have taken the difficult decision to cancel the annual Magical Taxi Tour to Disneyland in Paris. The annual event takes children with life-limiting illnesses in a trip of a lifetime to Disneyland Paris to give them a...

Taxis Gave Work To Private Hire says Peter DaCosta

Taxis Gave Work To Private Hire says Peter DaCosta

Peter DaCosta is well known within the London Taxi Trade for his involvement with KPM Taxis. Peter thinks that we gave Private Hire our work! Grant Davies of the London Cab Drivers Club interviews Peter DaCosta on LCDC TV. LCDC TV is the...

TFL refuses Uber Operators License in London

TFL refuses Uber Operators License in London

Transport for London have today announced that they will not be renewing Uber's Private Hire operators license. After initially being granted a 15 month probationary license by Westminster Magistrates Court and then a further 2 month temporary license by TfL, the...

My Taxi launch electric scooter fleet in Lisbon

My Taxi launch electric scooter fleet in Lisbon

After announcing plans to add electric scooters to their portfolio a month ago, MyTaxi revealed the location of their pilot as Lisbon. Customers in the Portuguese capital can rent a scooter from a fleet of hundreds. For Daimler, this may open a whole new venture...

Taxi News is 18 years old this week

Taxi News is 18 years old this week has reached the the milestone of being 18 years old. Yes Taxi News has been bringing taxi drivers in London, the UK and the World, News from the Taxi Industry. Taxi News has gone through various reincarnations over the years but the one thing that...



The New York City Taxi and Limousine Commission voted on Tuesday to set a minimum pay rate for drivers who work for app-based companies like Uber and Lyft. This new rule will go into effect in 20 days, and it will require drivers to be paid at least $27.86 an hour,...

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