The Cab Chat Show is Back

Cab Chat

Cab Chat returns with the Original Duo Hosting The Show

After a break of 9 months the Cab Chat Show has returned with the original hosts @SuperCabby & @MacTheCab hosting the show.

Jamie AKA SuperCabby said “I couldn’t find the words to host the show through the pandemic, we have always tried to make Cab Chat a light-hearted and entertaining show and give taxi drivers something to listen to while out working their cabs, but through the pandemic I just really did not know what to say. Many times I sat down to record the show but just could not find any words of encouragement or anything to cheer up drivers who were obviously going through difficult times”.

“Some of the team thought that we should have been there throughout the pandemic to help and support taxi drivers, and I have to agree, but it is not easy to do when you are the one who sits in front of the microphone for most of the show” said Jamie.

The team produced a couple of shows towards the end of 2020 as things started to open up again, the Christmas show being the last of the year before it was announced we were going back into lockdown.

SuperCabby produced another show in early March and was then contacted by his old co-host @MacTheCab AKA Mark who suggested doing the show again on a more regular basis.

The duo have since got together every week to host the show and have pledged to continue doing so with the help from  the rest of the team.

Contributions to the show come from regulars @Drumslayer2, Drop Kick Rick, @DaleForwoodTaxi and Dan from Plan with regular help from other members of the team including Scott, Crispo, & Rob Cardwell @Iamcabman and with help from @Parkercabbie doing graphics for the show.

The show was also launched on YouTube 3 weeks ago and listed on various other podcasting platforms so you should be able to find it whatever your listening preference.

You can listen to the latest show below




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