Female Met Officer Who Tried To Prosecute Taxi Driver With Questionable Evidence. Case Dismissed.

Female Met Officer Who Tried To Prosecute Taxi Driver With Questionable Evidence. Case Dismissed.

We reported last year that the police were harassing drivers at Kings Cross Taxi Rank. Undercover officers were using body worn cameras to film drivers touching there mobiles while stationary on the rank. We now have a case bought to court where an undercover female officer tried to submit questionable evidence to prosecute an innocent driver.

It has been bought to our attention, that a certain female plain-clothed police officer, intended to offer questionable evidence to a Magistrates court, in order to prosecute a taxi driver who was accused of using his mobile phone while sitting parked, with tripe engine switched off on Kings Criss Taxi rank.

The officer in question let the matter go all the way to court but suddenly, just as the trial was about to get underway…..she suspected something wasn’t right and asked the prosecution to drop the case.
The evidence from the defence team was that the still frame shot of the driver on the original charge sheet and the video from the officers body-cam were not the driver in question but another driver, recorded at a different time to the alleged offence.
Below is a statement from the driver in question: 
On the 6 May last year at 21:30 I was parked on the Kings Cross Taxi Rank when an undercover WPC approached the cab making notes. She informed me I was being reported for using a mobile phone while on the public highway I had just picked it up to check the battery was charging as I had previously fitted a new cable.
I thought no more of it as I believed I had done nothing wrong….but to my surprise I received a notice of intended prosecution through the post.  Having taken legal advice from a truck accident lawyer, I decided to plead not guilty as I truly believed my action was completely innocent, plus I was very worried as a guilty verdict would put me on 12 points!
I let the payment offer expire and then, when I received the paperwork I pleaded ‘Not Guilty.
Some weeks later I got a copy of her Statement against me and a still photo from her body cam footage showing a picture of an offence being committed…. I thought I had better change my plea to Guilty. But, after closer inspection, I notice the driver in the photo wasn’t me, my lawyers applied for the full body cam footage and yes it appeared to be someone else.
I am of the opinion that, to get me to change my plea…the officer had submitted a false statement, along with a questionable still photo and video, that wasn’t me.
My barrister chose not to disclose these irregularities and was relishing the thought of tearing her to pieces in the witness box, but as my name was being called she called the prosecutor to tell him to drop the case. She kept it going with the questionable evidence till the very last minute, hoping I would change my plea. But, at the very last minute, I believe she suspected her attempt to railroad me photographic evidence that clearly wasn’t me, had been detected and her nerve went.
This has caused the driver a year of stress but now it’s finally over for him, now it’s her turn, as he intends to take this further. If this officer is found guilty of perverting the course of justice, there are implications for every driver this WPC has harassed and prosecuted over the passed year to eighteen months.
We will keep you informed of our future progress as it could affect every driver who has been prosecuted by this WPC.
Source: Taxileaks
TfL Announce Extension To Tottenham Court Road Scheme Covering New Oxford Street, Bloomsbury And Holborn

TfL Announce Extension To Tottenham Court Road Scheme Covering New Oxford Street, Bloomsbury And Holborn

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any crazier at Camden, with the aftermath of destruction, congestion and added pollution in Fitzrovia and Midland Road…. it appears the lunatics have completely taken over the asylum.Camden have publish plans to remove the Holborn gyratory, with areas between New Oxford St and Great Russell St to be part-pedestrianised.

In addition, there are to be segregated cycle lanes along High Holborn and Theobalds Road, apparently to improve safety. The announcement was made by TfL who say that six cyclists have been killed in the area in last 10 years, but it’s been alleged that most of the cycle killed or seriously injured have resulted from collisions caused by buses.

While London is rocked by the frightening number of violent stabbings and after police numbers have been slashed to the bone to ‘save money’, London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan -who in the middle of the current knife crime crisis has decided to jet off on holiday to Morocco- has handed out £53.4 million to neighbourhood schemes to reduce car use and improve air quality and the environment.

The protected cycle lanes will be installed along the length of High Holborn and Theobalds Road.

Sections along New Oxford Street and Great Russell Street, will be closed to all traffic and pedestrianised.

Sections of Bloomsbury Way (like much of Tottenham Court Road) will become bus and bike only.

Work is likely to start in January 2021.

Other projects include £15.5m for the eastern part of the Square Mile to reduce through traffic and create a zero emission zome.

On Demand Bus Services And New Vito Euro6 Minicabs (Project Horizon In Full Flow) by Sean Stockings

On Demand Bus Services And New Vito Euro6 Minicabs (Project Horizon In Full Flow) by Sean Stockings

Private buses be like…
It is quite astonishing to think that whilst TFL is cutting buses in aparticular borough (Sutton) it is simultaneously lobbying and consulting for Viavan a private company backed by Mercedes Daimler group who are worth Billions.
Routes 410 , 433 were cut back earlier last year and the 154 this year.
According to TFLs own 2018 figures its buses are expected to cover only 283 million miles in 2019-2020 compared to 302 million miles in 2018 – a 6 percent cut in service volume in two years.
More journeys are carried out centrally so Sadiq Khans Fare Freeze which has made these cuts necessary is essentially “Less well off” (Jeremy Corbyn quote) TFL customers having to subsidize more affluent customers in zones 1-3.
The charter bus transportation is the most affordable motorized transport option available for Londoners who perhaps have to travel too far to cycle or have a disability that doesn’t make cycling an option, any reduction in bus services has a disproportionate impact on the lowest paid doing the most arduous jobs, not exactly what I would expect from a Labour mayor who should be able to deal with any sort of Transportation Brokerage.
TFLs private bus consultation details include wheelchair accessibility (One space), six buses to be run from existing garages and an ability to stop every 200 meters, “it is expected the cost of a fare would be morethan a standard bus” and “we do not propose to integrate with the TFL Oyster card payment” and “during the journey to the customers destination, other customers will be picked up if they are travelling in a similar direction, with minimal impact on journey time”, leaving it up to a private company to decide what “minimal impact” and “similar” is can only end in tears as London has seen with Ubers over supply of vehicles gridlocking virtually every transit hub.
This would mean that buses low paid customer base would be priced out of bus usage, as would be pensioners and disabled “Freedom Pass”holders. This is a slippery slope to go down, private companies have no intrest in servicing passengers with special needs or destinations out of the way that would interrupt their earning efficiency, think of how many Ubervehicles are wheelchair accessible for example…virtually none.
They would only be interested in the routes that would yield the most profit for the minimum investment, TFL and councils thinking the private sector will “do the right thing” is incredibly naïve.
How this will eventually play out is the very passengers who need the buses the most will be the exact ones whom this policy will let down the hardest and leave virtually cut off.
Last year when the trade learned of TFLs Duke St Hill proposed prohibition of Taxis we demoed to be included in any future plans (being part of TFLs transport network), allegedly Mike Brown gave the trade the wink and said “all we need to do is fill out the consultation”, this is nonsensical advice given the template of the Tottenham Court Rd consultation that wanted Taxis included but was ignored by Camden Council or that Mike Brown personally endorsed our exclusion from bank junction (even thought the General Secretary of the LTDA said ‘Mike Brown is inside) which the majority were using simply to escape the Embankment CSH gridlock -cause a problem, displace traffic then shut off the roads…genius!
Mike Brown is essentially Gaslighting the Taxi trade, we predict why we are being excluded and he says its all in our minds.
Gaining Vital Junctions be like..
Our exclusion from Bank Junction was under the pretense of #BankOnSafety suggesting that it was OK for buses to use the junction because they were safe (over 20’000 safety incidents in the last 3 years alone, an average of 4.3 people killed or seriously injured every week over the last 5 years) and exclude Taxis as we are unsafe (Ironically the safest form of Transport currently under the TFL umbrella by a huge margin).
The detail of the bus routes using Duke St Hill is 6 routes (2 of which are night buses only), suggesting that our exclusion would speed up these few buses is ludicrous, what is going on here?
Remember my old mate Leon Daniels?
His latest venture is Optibus, you guessed it.. a private company that will specialize in smaller dynamic buses just like Viavan.
Stopping Taxis using ‘Roads’ they’ve been using for hundreds of years will only hinder our competitiveness, fiscal viability and consumer allure.
Ubers next product to be unleashed on London is Uber Pool Express, you guessed it, minibuses that will qualify to use all the newly prohibited junctions.
These private high capacity Private Hire Vehicles are the next stage in TFLs “vision” for London (remember Project Horizon?), another product adding more vehicles to an already overburdened road network that will operate uncannily like Taxis.
Uber Pool Express has failed in every city it’s launched but “rideshare” is how companies like Uber, Jedi regulators into believing basic regulation is a hindrance.
A detail of Viavan’s employment contract is that if Viavan are forced to comply with VAT and employment laws then Viavan has the right to sue their drivers.
This detail has been picked up UPHD and TFL and Sadiq Khan are all aware, how can the LABOUR Mayor and TFL give Viavan a contract when they are this exploitative?
Our Cabs be like…
TfL have just licensed ViaVan who will be using Vito Euro6 diesels, in spite of the fact that form 1st January 2018, they mandated the London Taxi Trade could no longer register new diesel vehicles and we now have the option if only one vehicle to buy new….the LEVC TXe.
We have seen the agenda over the last year to exaggerate our emissions footprint whilst simultaneously attempting to reduce the age limit of our cabs, a fact that most of the GLA , Mayor and all the media refuses to acknowledge is that at no stage did we have any say in what vehicle we drove and had to buy, TFL made this decision at every level, they are culpable, no one else, to try and insinuate that we don’t care about London’s air quality is ridiculous, you would be hard pressed to find any other group of workers who are more exposed than London Taxi drivers.
By trying to separate us from their transport network and attempts to class us as just another private car TFL are trying to distance themselves from previous woeful decision making.
If TFL are adamant that the age limit has to be reduced then they need to reimburse drivers who have bought the vehicle that they dictated.
A worrying rumour is that LEVC are going under…I hope this is not true, as this would leave any owners in the precarious position of not getting spares and not having a valid warranty.
A recent TFL FOI revealed that in 2018 they licensed over 46’000 diesel PHVs (52%) and 8367 for the first time (18%), so in 2018 the cab trade was forced to buy a £63k vehicle without adequate infrastructure to cleanup London whilst TFL licensed over 8000 new diesel PHVs .
Our market is now flooded, TFLs rationale at making us buy a £63k cab in this current climate that they created is a workers abuse.
They have been forced to introduce Congestion Charging and ULEZ on Private Hire Vehicles because there are now so many.
James Farrar has been throwing some wild language around, with reference to these charges, if you want your members not to pay it then simply get a WAV vehicle or better still invest 3 years of your life learning how to get around London. The knowledge is a meritocracy, just do the work and you will pass James.
TfL Announce Extension To Tottenham Court Road Scheme Covering New Oxford Street, Bloomsbury And Holborn

TfL Announce Extension To Tottenham Court Road Scheme Covering New Oxford Street, Bloomsbury And Holborn

Just when you thought it couldn’t get any crazier at Camden, with the aftermath of destruction, congestion and added pollution in Fitzrovia and Midland Road…. it appears the lunatics have completely taken over the asylum.Camden have publish plans to remove the Holborn gyratory, with areas between New Oxford St and Great Russell St to be part-pedestrianised.

In addition, there are to be segregated cycle lanes along High Holborn and Theobalds Road, apparently to improve safety. The announcement was made by TfL who say that six cyclists have been killed in the area in last 10 years, but it’s been alleged that most of the cycle killed or seriously injured have resulted from collisions caused by buses who were first attended by the doctors and first aider in schools then moved into the ICU for extra care.

While London is rocked by the frightening number of violent stabbings and after police numbers have been slashed to the bone to ‘save money’, London’s Mayor Sadiq Khan -who in the middle of the current knife crime crisis has decided to jet off on holiday to Morocco- has handed out £53.4 million to neighbourhood schemes to reduce car use and improve air quality and the environment.

The protected cycle lanes will be installed along the length of High Holborn and Theobalds Road.

Sections along New Oxford Street and Great Russell Street, will be closed to all traffic and pedestrianised.

Sections of Bloomsbury Way (like much of Tottenham Court Road) will become bus and bike only.

Work is likely to start in January 2021.

Other projects include £15.5m for the eastern part of the Square Mile to reduce through traffic and create a zero emission zome.

The State Of The London Taxi Trade…by Grant Davis And Michael Glassman

The State Of The London Taxi Trade…by Grant Davis And Michael Glassman

After the news that new euro6 Diesel engines are currently being manufactured that are producing zero Nox….Grant Davis pleads with the GLA and TfL to allow us to buy these Euro6 diesels, the ones authorised by TfL for use by Addison Lee and other private hire companies.
Chairman Of The London Cab Drivers Club Grant Davis Said:
With just one choice of taxi available, we will die, quite simple. We need a choice of vehicle.
This week I have been emailing the GLA and TFL over the urgent need for the trade to be able to purchase Euro6 diesel taxis.
They will be able to have 15yr life span and the air will get cleaner as we take older taxis off the fleet by natural wastage and thus no need for a 12 year age limit.
We cannot sit back and watch our trade be decimated by fools any longer. The promise made to the Mayor by the LTDA that we will have 9k on the road is now being used to bash us with, not good. It has gotten so bad he has been looking for the cheapest end of tenancy cleaning london.
I have already spoken to the fleets who have given this there support
Below is a series of tweets made by one of London’s Fleet owners, Michael Glassman:
It’s getting serious now, as more job losses at LEVC we’re announced yesterday at a fleet/garage meeting at BREWERY ROAD.
I pray we do not go back to the sad situation of being left with NO PARTS supply, NO WARRANTY and NOTHING TO BUY.
The trade is being ripped apart… we need the choice of an affordable taxi
What’s urgently needed is a temporary stop gap, such as being allowed to purchase The EURO 6 VITO diesel… until other workable alternatives are available and the infrastructure has been enhanced. Running on petrol all day was never the original plan.
One of the drivers asked me this question on Twitter:
If addlee are allowed to buy euro 6 cars, why are we not allowed to buy euro 6 vito, or tx4?
Total mess by tfl.
A case of discrimination?
Orgs should be on this…
My answer:
Yep Grant of the LCDC is all over this like a rash, we all should support this ORG as is the only group who see this as total bias towards PH. Plus we should all support and sign up to UTAG, as this is an association of drivers from all orgs and businesses who are fighting TFL on everything and you can help for as little as a fiver a week.
The latest trade associated business to donate to UTAG is Sophisticats, who recently moved from Marylebone Lane to Eversholt Street. We’ve been informed that they have made a substantial donation. If you want to know how do I franchise my business, you can check it out from here!
Euro 6 Vito has a 15 year life, as has the Electric Taxi from LEVC, but you can guarantee the Mercedes will be alive and kicking in 15 years time and spares always available.
We need to now fight to reinstate the euro 6 diesel VITO… If private hire are allowed to run clean euro 6 diesels, then so should we !
The Orange Paradox:
A ORANGE DIARY holder customer walks in today and I go into the UTAG sales pitch .
The driver did not have a clue on the JR, HIGH COURT, UTAG , DEMO’s , 4% Uber discount for TfL staff on TfL’s staff website, THE BADGE PAPER….after a few minutes with myself, result…he is now FULLY IN !!
How many more out there are oblivious to WTF is going on…..
It’s mind blowing how many out there, really haven’t got a clue … I have spoke to many,  but on the plus side there are many who are well informed.
It is up to the drivers who know what’s going on, to try and spread the word of UTAG and the fight against the injustice against our trade.