UTAG to go head to head with TFL again over Bishopsgate Bus Gate

UTAG to go head to head with TFL again over Bishopsgate Bus Gate

Transport for London’s appeal against the High Court Judgement won by UTAG which described the Capital’s streetspace scheme as being “Unlawful” will commence on 15th June 2021.

The appeal relates to the High Court Judgement of 21st January 2021 ruling that the Mayor of London and Transport for London “acted unlawfully” in their treatment of London’s licensed taxis in the Streetspace for London Plan and the Bishopsgate Traffic Order (Bishopsgate Bus Gate).

The landmark Judgement was handed down following a Judicial Review launched by the United Trade Action Group (UTAG) and the Licensed Taxi Drivers Association (LTDA). The review challenged the Mayor and TfL’s plan and associated guidance issued the London Boroughs and specifically the order relating to the A10 Bishopsgate in the City of London, which removed taxi access through the street, which is a key arterial route, instead only allowing buses and cycles access in which is more commonly known as the Bishopsgate Bus Gate.

The court ordered that the Streetspace Plan, interim Guidance and the A10 Bishopsgate Traffic Order be quashed, however TfL have been allowed the right to appeal the decision.

A UTAG spokesperson said via social media “Ladies and Gentlemen. We now have a court date for TfL’s appeal regarding the Bishopsgate Bus Gate. The court date is 15th June and we will be defending our High Court win in the most robust way allowed. We will not allow this to go undefended. Support UTAG as always.”


In the case, heard at the High Court’s Planning Court on 25 and 26 November 2020, Senior High Court Judge, Mrs Justice Lang DBE found overwhelmingly for the Claimant taxi trade bodies, UTAG and the LTDA.

The original case succeeded on four of the five grounds put forward on behalf of the taxi trade:

  • In the Streetspace Plan and subsequent Guidance, the Mayor and TfL respectively failed to distinguish the special status of taxis from “general traffic”, neither taking into account the distinct status of taxis as a form of public transport nor the travel needs of those who rely on accessible taxis.

  • The Mayor and TfL failed to have proper regard to their Public Sector Equality Duties under Section 149 of the Equalities Act 2010.

  • The Plan, Guidance and the A10 Order unlawfully breached licensed taxi drivers’ “legitimate expectation” of being permitted to use bus lanes to ply for hire effectively as a vital part of London’s integrated public transport network.

  • The treatment of taxis in the Plan, Guidance and the Order and the decisions to exclude them were “seriously flawed” and “irrational”.

In the lengthy and detailed judgment, Mrs Justice Lang underlined a series of failings by TfL and the Mayor, describing their decision-making process as “seriously flawed”, with the decision to exclude taxis being based on “superficial” and “inadequate evidence”.

WCHCD – An open letter to the London Hackney Carriage trade  From the Master, Wardens, and Court of Assistants of the Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers

WCHCD – An open letter to the London Hackney Carriage trade From the Master, Wardens, and Court of Assistants of the Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers

Dear Friends and Colleagues

It’s been over a year since the lockdown started and probably the worst year our trade has had to go through in living memory, with many drivers stepping back from the industry and more cabs being scrapped. But, together, we will come through this; though as a leaner trade, as keen as ever to serve the public. On 12 April the roadmap out of lockdown began and we can hopefully now get back to some sort of normality.

All of us at the  Worshipful Company of Hackney Carriage Drivers  have been inspired by the way so many of our colleagues in the trade, from drivers to all the various support industries,You can also navigate to these guys as they have stepped forward to volunteer in so many different ways, and shown the resilience to either re-model their businesses to adapt to the changing landscape, or find work in other sectors where their skill sets have been put to good use.

Over the past six months or so, our Past Masters and PR Committee have been in dialogue with the Corporation of London regarding street closures, cab ranks and electric charging points. Our engagement in this consultation has been received very positively and is helping to shape the Corporation’s view of our trade and its requirements. The group has also been in touch with other trade bodies including garages (and specializes in garage door installation), insurance brokers, the LTDA, and we have added our support to London Taxi PR who, like us, are a non-political organisation, with the same aims of working to promote the taxi trade.

An online consultation is now open as the City of London has posted a survey seeking feedback on their implemented experimental schemes before they are made permanent. The survey closes on 10 May and we are urging all our members, supporters, and their families to respond before that date and make their voices heard.

The link to the survey is https://city-of-london.citizenlab.co/en/projects/all-change-at-bank

This could be a once in a generation opportunity to shape the future of our City’s landscape in the best interests of the Hackney Carriage Trade and is surely one we must grasp with both hands.

We have been proud to support the NHS Livery Kitchen Initiative, where livery halls were cooking meals Monday to Friday and taxi drivers were involved by bringing chefs back and forth, from their homes to the livery halls. There were around 3000 meals each day which were delivered to the Barts and NHS trust hospitals.

With the easing of restrictions on the horizon and the reopening of non-essential retail part of the next phase, we hope to see London begin its return to the bustling metropolis upon which our trade relies.

We would like to wish to each and every one of you a successful return to something that resembles normality in the months to come. It will no doubt be a slow, steady path, but one which we hope will lead us to a brighter future.

City of London Corporation unveils plans to pedestrianise areas around Bank Station

City of London Corporation unveils plans to pedestrianise areas around Bank Station

The City of London Corporation has today unveiled proposals to pedestrianise areas around Bank Tube Station to make the busy junction safer for walkers and cyclists.

Under the plans revealed this afternoon, Threadneedle Street could be closed for motor vehicles between Bank Junction and Bartholomew Lane in both directions to create a walking and cycling only area.

Cars and buses would also be banned between Queen Victoria Street between Bucklersbury and Bank Junction, except for vehicles exiting Walbrook in a westbound direction.

Princes Street would be open for buses and bicycles in a northbound direction.

The Corporation is also consulting on widening pavements around the junction to accommodate the large number of people who are expected to return to the area after lockdown.

The proposed design provides space for extra seating and green space and aims to improve street safety.

Alastair Moss, chair of the City of London Corporation’s planning and transport committee, said: “Bank Junction has already undergone transformative change, from a busy and dangerous intersection to a safer and more pleasant environment for all.

“This proposal further builds upon those changes to continue the progression toward creating a world-class welcoming heart of the Square Mile, bounded by the iconic Bank of England, Royal Exchange and Mansion House.

“By making subtle changes to just a few of the arms of the junction, we will ensure the streets are even safer for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as being able to provide welcome improvements to the public realm in this busy part of the City.

“We encourage all of those who work, live and visit the City to provide their thoughts on the plan as we look forward to welcoming more people back to the Square Mile as the lockdown restrictions are eased.”

Source CityAM

Disney Trip Cancelled for 2021

Disney Trip Cancelled for 2021

The Worshipful Company for Hackney Carriage drivers have taken the difficult decision to cancel the annual Magical Taxi Tour to Disneyland in Paris.

The annual event takes children with life-limiting illnesses in a trip of a lifetime to Disneyland Paris to give them a break from their world of therapy and treatment in a fleet of 100 London Taxis, supported by the City of London Police, London Ambulance Service and the AA.

The children are transported in a fleet of 100 London Taxis on the Friday, escorted by City of London Police & French Gendarme motorcycle outriders who close the roads as the convoy passes through, they get spend the Saturday in the Disneyland park where they are allowed priority passes to get on the rides, they are then treated to a spectacular Gala Party in one of the Disney Hotels in the evening and return on Sunday.

The trip was cancelled in 2020 due to Covid-19 Pandemic and it was hoped that it would be able to resume in 2021.

In a letter to drivers and support staff, the committee said “It is with a heavy heart that we have to write to let you know we are having to cancel this year’s Magical Taxi Tour to Disneyland Paris”.

The Big Breakfast at the East Winter Gardens Canary Wharf

The trip was planned to take place over the weekend of 1st to ther 3rd October this year and letters of invitation had already been sent out to drivers wishing to take part.

Taxi Convoy passing through FranceTaxi News spoke to Phil Davis, who is the driving force behind the Magical Taxi Tour, where he voiced his concerns over taking children with suppressed immune systems to France. He was concerned about social distancing and keeping the children safe.

The letter continues ” The situation across the channel is not good, and we are unable to predict what is going to happen in the months ahead. Thank you for your continued support and we look forward to being able to organise the trip again next year”.

The trip is planned to take place in September 2022 and we hope that next year will bring better conditions and that the trip will go ahead as planned so that even more children are able to experience this once in a lifetime event.


Taxis Gave Work To Private Hire says Peter DaCosta

Taxis Gave Work To Private Hire says Peter DaCosta

Peter DaCosta is well known within the London Taxi Trade for his involvement with KPM Taxis.

Peter thinks that we gave Private Hire our work! Grant Davies of the London Cab Drivers Club interviews Peter DaCosta on LCDC TV.

LCDC TV is the Premier News Channel for all Taxi Drivers! News, Interviews and Your Views, keeping the Taxi Trade informed of what is going on and keeping them updated of current events. You can find it at www.LCDC.TV