Update On Thursdays Demonstration 5pm – 6:30pm At The Bank Junction
The purpose of this account is to inform the trade of UCG demo’s.
First Demo, Thursday 24th September 5pm-6:30
After today’s heated negotiations, the Met have now agreed to a 90 min protest, to be held between 5 and 6:30 (Rush Hour). The alternative would have been an injunction banning our action.
An injunction could have seen a ban on all further UCG protests and would leave the trade with no org prepared to call direct action in future.
The UCG Chairman Len Martin, along with our campaigns manager Trevor Merralls, have also be called to attend New Scotland Yard next week, to meet with senior Met officers.
To those who say “Demos” don’t work, only “talking” does…..talks only work if TFL have a reason to listen. Our action will give them a reason.
Please be aware that the police were adamant on only allowing us an hour, but after extensive negotiation, our team have managed to get this extended to 90 minutes.
This was the best we could possibly do, but please remember it will be rush hour too!
We have an hour and a half and if we get the numbers, no one in the City will be moving, it could be total lockdown.
We have 5 more demo’s planned, and so we will have future dialogue with the police to look forward to. Please be aware the establishment want to stop us from holding these protests.
The onus is on us in the trade to make this demo massive, if we get the numbers there will be no stopping us.
The UCG Share all of your frustrations believe me, but we have to act in accordance with the Law.