Dear Mr Thomas,
I write in response to your recent email regarding the displaying of unauthorised vinyl banner signage.
As the Regulator of the taxi trade and private hire trade in London, TfL has a duty to enforce the Legislation and Regulations under which the trades operates. The Regulations include a clear requirement for all signage displayed in licensed taxi and private hire vehicles to be approved by the licensing authority. This is detailed in TPH Notice 06/14, which can be found (
TfL takes all matters of non-compliance with these Regulations seriously, as do the main organisations representing the trade itself, and unauthorised signage is no exception. Indeed, the main trade associations themselves have been very active recently in campaigning for us to take strong enforcement action in removing unauthorised signage from licensed private hire vehicles. We have a duty, therefore, to enforce these regulations fairly and consistently across both trades.
Nevertheless, specifically in relation to the demonstration you refer to, we recognise the right of drivers (and indeed all sections of the community) to peacefully demonstrate about something they believe in.
The Regulations themselves apply at all times whilst a vehicle remains licensed. It is clearly not appropriate for such signage to be displayed in regular operational service.
There is no legislative or regulatory requirement for photographic evidence to be provided in order to undertake action around this; a visual observation of the infringement is sufficient
However, on this occasion we will not be taking any further action.
Nevertheless, I would remind you that prior approval must be sought from TfL for all signage displayed in taxi and private hire vehicles.
Steve Burton
Director of Enforcement and On-street Operations
Very good of you Mr Burton.
“As the Regulator of the taxi trade and private hire trade in London, TfL has a duty to enforce the Legislation and Regulations under which the trades operates.”
When are you going to start the above ? Uber will collapse immediately.
“TfL takes all matters of non-compliance with these Regulations seriously….”
Since when have compliance issues at TFL been taken seriously, or is this a brand new initiative ?
“The Regulations themselves apply at all times whilst a vehicle remains licensed. It is clearly not appropriate for such signage to be displayed in regular operational service. ”
We are both grown men, Steve. Be honest, do you seriously with hand on heart gain any job satisfaction in your professional position, by initiating firm compliance on an issue such as this ?
Come on, honestly. Man to man, Steve.
Rest assured, and I speak in no official capacity other than my long experience and unity in the London Taxi Trade, that all this does, is wind us up and put another 500 drivers on our demo statistics.
When your colleague Leon Daniels gave one of our drivers a tug the other day to show his strength, all it has done has enraged us to demonstrate in greater numbers.
You know where the problems are really manifesting themselves, Steve. When we witness you doing something realistically genuine about them, I am sure our trade will be a little more conciliatory .
We wait, we hope, we watch.