Rickshaws could be banned for anti-social behaviour

Cycle rickshaws
General view of waiting rickshaw pedal taxis, in central London. Photo: Dominic Lipinski/PA Archive/PA Images

Cycle rickshaws could be banned from parts of the West End because they’re causing a nuisance. Camden Council is consulting residents over plans to introduce a public space protection order – a local law that allows councils to tackle anti-social behaviour.

Boris Johnson in a rickshaw
Boris Johnson is happy to use a rickshaw in Beijing, as he arrives for the closing ceremony of the Olympics in 2008 Credit: John Giles/PA Wire

Boris Johnson has previously joined Westminster City Council to call on the government to regulate rickshaws, which they say are ripping off tourists. Videos have emerged of rickshaw drivers trying to charge hundreds of pounds for short journeys – one Dutch tourist was told he owed £600 for a half-hour journey to Selfridges.

The council says: “We are aware of community concerns especially in areas south of the Euston Road about the impact of ASB [anti-social behaviour] associated with pedicabs, particularly noise nuisance and disturbance late at night and in the early hours of the morning. We are considering the introduction of a PSPO [public space protection order] in Camden to tackle this problem. Under any new order, police and accredited council officers would be able to issue on-the-spot fines of up to £100 to people operating pedicabs that are causing ASB. The powers could be applied at specific times or in specified areas.”

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