PUBLIC consultation on two potential changes to policies affecting Wirral taxis is underway.
The first consultation involves the possibility of lifting a restriction on the maximum age of a vehicle being used as a private hire cab.
At present, the policy is that the Council will not licence a vehicle more than eight years after the date of its first registration, unless it is deemed to be in exceptional condition taking into account mileage, appearance, condition and level of safety features.
Vehicles which are more than six years old already have to apply for their licence to be renewed every six months.
The second consultation is around Hackney Carriage Vehicle Licences and specifically about a policy around changing the vehicle on an existing licence.
At present there is an informal arrangement under which a vehicle may be changed on an existing licence subject to the replacement vehicle being the same age or younger than the vehicle on the existing licence.
The views of the public are needed to formally adopt a policy relating to circumstances when a Hackney Carriage Vehicle Proprietor wishes to change their vehicle.
Both consultations can be accessed online by following the below links:-
Private hire survey –
Hackney survey –