Police taxi to patrol Horsham over Christmas and New Year

Police taxi. SUS-141224-151639001

Police taxi. SUS-141224-151639001

As festive celebrations get underway, the distinctively marked police taxi vehicle is continuing its patrols of the Horsham area, as part of the Sussex Police’s drink and drug-driving campaign.

The car aims to act as a visual aid to people not to drink and drive but to get a real taxi home rather than a trip to custody in a police car.

The taxi which has been funded by the local Joint Action Group will be used on Horsham district until the end of March.

Since Thursday December 18 and across the Christmas period it is being used by neighbourhood policing officers conducting Operation Tinsel patrols in Horsham town centre and officers are also being encouraged to use the vehicle when out on evening patrols.

Chief Inspector Howard Hodges said he welcomed the use of the vehicle on Horsham district ‘to promote discussion and provide an opportunity for engagement with the public’.

Sussex Police say that if you are convicted of drink-driving you could lose your licence, face a heavy fine and could even lose your job.

They advise to plan ahead before you go out, think about how you will be getting home, especially if you are planning to go out for a drink, and stay safe.

People in Sussex can text officers on 65999 with the details of people they suspect of drink or drug driving or visit www.operationcrackdown.co.uk

You can also contact the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555111.

To keep up to date with officers looking for drink drivers, follow #opdragonfly on Twitter.

If you know someone is driving while over the limit or after taking drugs call 999.

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