Has The Licensed Taxi Trade, Lost The Battle Of Heathrow ?….by Paul Sweeney

Speaking to other drivers at Heathrow today, I was informed that the Hilton hotel, terminal 4 is now operating a rank type system, where the concierge actually calls uber cars up to the main entrance, loads the punters in and off they go.

No prebooked etc zero. Instant rank and hail. 
This is apparently happening everyday and you can see Uber at most of the Heathrow hotels doing the same.
The feeder park today was six hours, whilst Uber cars sit on every Terminal drop off, touting and waiting for the ping. They’ve surrounded every nook and cranny at Heathrow, the taxi Marshalls might as well give up.
Four Met police to control four terminals! 
Whereas at Gatwick, they have 95 dedicated police officers, plus back up. BAA and HAL are openly allowing this to happen 24/7.
TfL manpower, who should be stopping this illegal practice, were again at Paddington, Waterloo, Liverpool Street, reporting licensed Taxi drivers for the heinous crime of over ranking.
Heathrow in my opinion is on its knees.
13/5/16. Please remember this date.
Heathrow is currently wide open, and we have repeatedly warned the Met for about a potential Uber terrorist attack. Yet they have done nothing, apart from focus on speeding traffic on the Airport boundary roads.
Security at this Airport is a disaster waiting to happen. Uber drivers have turned Heathrow into a Calas type camp.
And for urinating/defecating in residential gardens, they are to be rewarded with their own feeder park.
Unfortunately the main Unions out there in the taxi feeder park seem clueless and have said next to nothing.
Uber are illegally picking up, whilst the law abiding taxi trade stews.
Unbelievable and so frustrating!!
Surely, Enough is enough.
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Wedding Taxis

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