While we wait with baited breath, for the Eddie Nestor program -5-7pm BBC Radio London- which will give us a clue to whether TfL’s eyes have been opened to the scale of the touting problem, take a look at this letter received today which explains his TfL deal with serious complaints….they just don’t!
It’s currently legal for anyone in London to buy a secondhand Taxi or minicab that is still licensed. There is no requirement for licence or background check on new owner. Controversially, there’s also no requirement to hand in plates or roundels when vehicle is sold on.
Please delete my name until further notice if you wish to publish.
Dear Sir/Madam
Thank you for your recent email regarding the conduct of a private hire driver on May 2015.
After a thorough search of our database, I can confirm that this vehicle is no longer licensed by London Taxi & Private Hire (LTPH) to carry the travelling public and that the vehicle was not being driven by a licensed private hire driver at the time of the incident.
Although I have reported the vehicle owner’s failure to remove the private hire display sticker from the rear of his vehicle, as the driver is not licensed by us we have no remit in respect of this matter. I would suggest that you contact the police on 111, at www.met.police.uk/contactus or by visiting the nearest police station to report the matter in person if you wish to take this further.
I am very sorry that on this occasion, I could not be of further assistance. However, I would like to thank you again for bringing this matter to our attention as it is only with the help of the public that we can address driver behaviour issues and take appropriate action(s) against the drivers concerned where possible.
Yours faithfully
Claire Alabdalla
Correspondence & Investigations Officer
London Taxi & Private Hire
Transport for London