Following on from the “Ubergate incident”, concerning embarrassing emails which were sent between TfL’s managing Director of Surface Transport Leon Daniels and Uber’s Jo Bertram, it has now been revealed in a Freedom of Information request, that Director Daniels contacted Jo Bertram personally no less than 24 times by phone between June 2014 and April 2015.
The request also shows a further 31 calls were registered from TfL mobile phones between 19th December 2014 and 9th April 2015.
Telephone calls made between Daniels and Bertram:
11th x2, 13th, 18 June 2014
2nd, 25th x2 July 2014
19th August 2014
25th September 2014
13th October 2014
4th x2, 10th x2, 15th December 2014
19th, 20th January 2015
13th, 16th x3 March 2015
23rd April 2015
1st May 2015
6th June 2015.
Val Shawcross recently explained to collective from the Action4Cabbies group, in future the Taxi trade would only be dealing with three TfL personnel, that being Commissiner Mike Brown, Chief Operating Officer Garett Emmerson and General Manager T&PH Helen Chapman.

Leon Daniels is no longer overseeing the running of Taxis and Private Hire. It’s alleged he has been moved sideways to take on other projects.
In the bold restructuring, anyone with a conflict of interest will no longer have a seat on the board of TfL.
Val Shawcross announced to the A4C group that at least half the board including Bob Oddy, Steve Wright and Peter Anderson are to be replaced.
Full details will be announced once the new board has been fully recruited.