Leon Daniels Calls Urgent Meeting With Taxi Trade Orgs.

We have received information, from an extremely reliable source, that Leon Daniels is calling an urgent meeting with all trade orgs !

Our source states all trade orgs, but what they actually mean is, only those trade orgs whom TfL allow to sit at their table.
The UCG, HADTU, and the Suburban Drivers Alliance, of course are excluded.
Recently, there has now been a wealth of information made public, which appears to have put Managing Director Leon Daniels’ future with TfL in a precarious position. The meeting looks to all intent and purpose to be an eleventh hour bid to pour calming oil on the troubled waters.
Let’s hope that if this meeting goes ahead, those attending will insist that minutes of this meeting and any future meeting with TfL be made available to the whole trade, soon after the meeting.
Drivers from all orgs and unions are calling for the current unfair exclusions, to be dropped as soon as possible by new Mayor Sadiq Khan. For too long, TfL officials have been able to choose which factions of the trade they meet, with more militant groups left out in the cold.
Inclusion to the Cabbies Cabinet has been used as a bargaining tool and held over the heads of the United trade group member orgs, for too long, seemingly giving TfL the edge at face to face consultations.
Wedding Taxis

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