Political organiser and writer Bryn Phillips, has made a number of public statements on Twitter regarding political intervention from the Prime Minister and Chancellor in regards to the licensing of Uber London Ltd.
Earlier today, Mr Phillips put out this tweet:
George Osborne and David Cameron have instructed Boris Johnson to lay off Uber by SMS.
There have been many rumours about the involvement of no10 and the easy ride uber has been given by TfL and the Mayors office.
He then followed this up with another tweet:
The Prime Minister and the Chancellor have both directly lobbied on behalf of Uber. Legal threats most welcome. @the_lcdc @UnitedCabbies
Mr Phillips says he welcomes any legal challenges about his statements as he had firm evidence and will testify to that effect in court.
Bryn also stated that “Actually, Cameron lobbied on behalf of Uber in 2012. Osborne’s SMS warning was more recent than that.”
The United Cabbies Group also put out a statement today that on March the 18th they offered TfL a data base containing 8000 customer complaints. TfL ignored the offer.
On June 15th The UCG met with MP Tom Watson.
On June 16th TfL asked to see the complaints
On June 25th Hendy announces he’s stepping down from TfL.
How are these constant allegations allowed to go unanswered ?
The LTDA recently stated they had put aside £1m for potential legal action. Perhaps now would be a good time to start spending this fund Bob.
We’ve been told for years about the wonderful legal back up our trade unions can offer their membership, with political clout from sponsored MPs.
Now’s the time for the RMT and Unite to put up.
Source: TaxiLeaks