Consultation on licensing of hackney cabs in Chichester district

Consultations are taking place across the Chichester district with residents and members of the taxi trade on proposed changes to the way hackney carriages are licensed.


Since 1987, licensed London-style cabs, commonly known as hackney carriages in the district have had to conform to the London conditions of fitness.

There are currently 57 hackney carriages operating in the Chichester District.

Chichester District Council is one of only a minority of local authorities which continue to retain this policy.

A Chichester district spokesperson, said: “Government advice, recent legislation and case law required the council to review this policy.

“As a result, a decision was taken by the licensing and enforcement committee to move away from the London conditions of fitness.”

The principal objective for the council was the protection of the general public who used licensed hackney carriage and private hire vehicles while still ensuring they are accessible to everyone.

The revised policy outlined a number of new proposals on how the council dealt with licensed drivers, vehicle proprietors and operators.

The new proposals outline that any licensed vehicle must continue to be clearly identifiable as a taxi, with the illuminated sign clearly displayed.

Local residents could provide their views until Tuesday, November 6, and the committee would consider the feedback in November.

Committee vice-chairman Cllr Henry Potter said: “We want to hear from local residents and members of the taxi trade. We will rely on this information to help us make our final decisions.”

The revised document is available to view at and comments should be submitted in writing to the Licensing Manager, Health Protection and Environmental Management no later than November 6.

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