City worker raped after getting into minicab after night out in Notting Hill

A city worker was raped by a stranger after getting into what she believed was a minicab after a night out in Notting Hill, a court heard.

Ali Moaberfard, 38, drove the woman to a house in Uxbridge where he raped her while she was semi-unconscious, the jury was told.

The woman said she woke to find the man having sex with her. She told Blackfriars crown court: “I felt disgusted, I had been taken somewhere against my will and someone had had sex with me against my will.

“He essentially kidnapped me — taken me to a house where I didn’t know where I was.”

In the morning. she was woken by the alleged rapist who told her that he had to go to work and would take her to the station, the court heard.

The woman said she drank six rum and Cokes at a party in May 2012 before deciding to leave at 1am.

“It was a free bar, I was having a good time, I don’t remember leaving the party — I don’t remember anything until I was in a car sometime later,” she said.

“I thought it was a minicab. He stopped, ushered me towards a house and I lay down on a sofa and passed out.

“I woke up and he was on top of me, my trousers and my underwear were pulled down and he was having sex with me. I was almost unable to move, I tried to push him off. I was quite weak, but he did stop after that — I was protesting, saying, ‘No’.”

The woman referred herself to the Whittington hospital a few hours after returning home, where staff contacted police.

Moaberfard was arrested in November 2012 after DNA tests were carried out on the woman’s clothing. Moaberfard, of Whetstone, denies rape. The trial continues.

    Source : Evening Standard
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