Hello all, well wheelchair arrived I don’t think I’ve ever had such a big smile on my face ever, it’s everything this wheelchair brings.
Honestly thank you, I had a little go with the guy, he’s fixed the alarm for when locked outside.
I’m just charging it some more and a friend I’ve only seen once in a year is meeting me in the pub at the top of my road on his way home from work to celebrate and give a real test drive. I know “no drink driving” so I will get to try
out for a little run and he will take more photos.
I just couldn’t wait to share with you all.
I hope this week hasn’t been as quiet as they often can be.

I’m viewing a couple of flats over next two days thanks to homeswapper website. Again thank you to everyone for supporting me and helping me gain some freedom, I look forward to having a piggy back.
Just so you know my conditions mean public transport would make me sicker so all you Taxi drivers are stuck with me, stronger together.
Just discovering tears of joy x thank you.

It’s still trying times with social services and the council so thank you for not only brightening my day, but transforming my life my freedom and well my dignity xx