A message from SaveTaxi founder Artemis Mercer:

As many of you know, for weeks now I have been working tirelessly together with my team on a campaign I started to save our black taxis (Facebook: Save our Black Taxis). It has literally taken over my life!

My hubby is a black cabbie and for months now I have been listening to his anguish about how difficult it has become for him working on our London streets to bring home money to pay our regular bills. It has been soul destroying for him to see TFL not enforcing their own laws which has created an uneven playing field. This is really having a detrimental impact on our family life.
Out of sheer frustration I started a facebook group, which to my surprise has taken off like a rocket!


We now have almost 6000 members and have an amazing team of ladies, working tirelessly to make this campaign happen.


I have organised a peaceful family standing demonstration outside TFL offices on 31 July @2pm, we now have over 1600 followers on Twitter (@SaveTaxi) a Petition which I will personally hand deliver on demo day and much more!


Next week I will be submitting a press release to the media and I am told to be ready to be interviewed by them. You see no one has done this before, no one has set up a protest as the families and supporters of their family’s trade.


I feel so passionate about this, it’s an absolute disgrace that TFL have created this mess. They need to sort this out and fast before the trade is gone forever. All I ask please is for my you to sign the petition and share it here on facebook. If we get 100,000 signatures it will be discussed in Parliament. Regulate today. Tomorrow will be too late.

Please sign the petition below and get members of your family to sign too. 


Support  “Save Our Black Taxis” by wearing one of the polo shirts. All sizes available in a selection of colours, just click on the link below.


Wedding Taxis

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