Sir Peter, Leon and Garrett, This Is What Honourable Men Do…by Jim Thomas.

Mark Carne CEO of NetWork Rail, has appeared on national TV and made the statement that, owing to the recent performance of NetWork Rail, he would not be accepting his six figured performance related bonus.

This is the action of an honourable man.
Mr Carne’s action relates to just one really bad weekend.
While on the other hand, London’s Taxi and Private hire’s licensing authority TfL, had a year which has seen the Greater London Authority (GLA) brand them as “woefully inadequate”.
If the transport commissioner and his directors were honourable men, then they should follow in the footsteps of Mark Carne and refuse to accept their performance related bonuses.
Sir Peter Hendy, Leon Daniels and Garrett Emmerson,
Will you show some backbone, stand up as honourable men and refuse your performance related bonuses?.


Source: ITV News.

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