It was encouraging to see the taxi Orgs and others coming together to debate on London Taxi Radio on Monday.

It would be a shame to lose this momentum at such an early stage and lose the opportunity to unite us all initially under one practical banner to take our trade forward.
We in the MM consider that the only practical way forward at this time is to fully back the Mayor and TFL’S Action Plan.
This is a published, tangible document with which to hold to account those in immediate control of our trade.
We will be able to check off stated aims one at a time as they are achieved and to demand explanations when they are not.
We do not offer this as a solution to all of the Taxi Trade’s problems but as a solid base with which to advance our cause as a coherent, united trade.
We hope all drivers, regardless of trade allegiances, will join us in supporting the Action Plan in the spirit of unity.
Thank you,
              The Mayfair Mob.
Wedding Taxis

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